Saturday, June 24, 2017

Dragon Ball Z Abridged Ep. 59 Review: Cell's Existential Crisis

Team Four Star is back on their game.

Goku and Cell are still at it. After exchanging words cell destroys the arena and the fight continues. Goku begins charging his Kamehameha and as Cell cheers him and his friends panic, Goku teleports right in front of cell and blows off the top of his torso. But Kuririn’s count out is premature as Cell regenerates

The fight begins again, but Goku is winded. Trunk’s suggests a senzu bean but Vegeta chastises him, saying Goku’s Saiyan pride will cause him to fight to the end. Then Goku gives up. This makes Cell angry but but Goku calls on Mr. Satan to replace him. But Mr. Satan claims to have diarrhea so he calls on Gohan. Gohan and everyone else are apprehensive but with Goku pushing for it he goes in anyway, thinking he might have an advantage because cell is still beat up from his fight with Goku. He thinks that until Goku gives Cell a senzu bean to make the fight fair. This does not help Gohan.

This is the episode I have been waiting for…so I probably hyped myself up to much, but it was a step up from the last few episodes. It was fast paced, the jokes were funny, and it had a few memorable moments and twists. I about lost it when Goku called on Mr. Satan to step in for him instead of Gohan. Some might be offended by the double entendres and other off color humor, but if you are you should have given this series up a long time ago. 

I don’t have any real criticisms. It still doesn’t have the laughs per minute of season 2 and early season 3 but it is funny. It had some laugh out loud moments too.

The next few episodes will be crucial. How will Team Four Star handle Gohan Vs Cell: the high point of Gohan’s role in the series and a fan favorite near the level of Goku vs Freeza.  I expect a lot considering their past work. 


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