Saturday, May 13, 2017

Review of Dragon Ball Super Ep. 90

Two Gohan episodes in three weeks? They’re really spoiling us! 

Starting off, Gohan is Meditating on a mountain with Piccolo who tells Gohan his training is over and that before the tournament begins he must test the extent of his powers. 

Cut to Goku who is eating a meal on Tenshinhan’s tab. Goku is talking about getting Roshi to train him until the tournament begins when Gohan walks in. A two on two match is soon set up between Gohan & Piccolo vs Goku & Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan suggests they go easy on them as to not injure anyone before the tournament but Goku suggests that perhaps they are the ones who should worry about injuries. 

The fight begins and Gohan immediately takes the offensive against Goku. They break, and Piccolo begins to power up. This prompts Tenshinhan and Goku to attack but as they close in Gohan appears in front of them and knocks Tenshinhan aside. Gohan and Goku begin fighting alone leaving Piccolo and Tenshinhan to their fight.  But has Tenshinan begins his kikoho Gohan fires a small ki blast which interrupts his attack. Gohan takes this opening to hit Tenshinhan again. As soon as Gohan has taken care of Tenshinhan, Goku attacks and Gohan barely dodges. Using this as an opening Piccolo attacks Goku who barely blocks only to be attacked again by Gohan. At this point Tenshinhan calls an end to the match. The ring has been completely destroyed. But Gohan isn’t satisfied, and challenges Goku to a one on one. 

Meanwhile in Universe 10, Gowasu is agonizing over who to pick for the tournament, not wanting to select another bad egg like Zamasu. But the universe 10 God of destruction, Rumooshi has already selected a team in his place. He tells Gowasu he thinks to much with his head and to trust in muscle this time. Satisfied Zamasu begins his speech but the warriors interrupt him to drink  protein shakes. He does not look happy. 

Gohan and Goku each eat a senzsu bean and Goku powers up to super sayian 2, Gohan goes straight into his ultimate form. Goku asks if he will go super sayian but Gohan declares he is taking a different path from Goku, a power up the universe has never seen before. Before long it seems Goku has the advantage. But Gohan adapts and challenges Goku to use his full strength. Powering up to Super Sayian Blue, and even unleashes Kaioken. As the whole earth sakes, Gohan appears knocked out but tries to throw one last punch before fainting. 

Gohan thanks Goku for the match and apologizes for the troubling Tenshinhan. Goku is nonchalant and appoints Gohan the team captain for universe Seven.

This was a good episode, well animated by Super standards. We didn’t get a Gohan win like I was hoping for but we established he is now in the same league as Goku. Tenshinhan has gotten the short hand of the stick in the last two episodes so I hope we get to see him do something a little more impressive in the tournament.  Dragon Ball Super has impressed me the last three weeks. It almost feels like its being made by people who know what they are doing. Too few episodes have felt like that during Super’s run.

The next episode appears to be a transition episode. I doubt I t will hold up like the last three but we will have to wait and see.


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