Friday, November 3, 2017

South Park The Fractured But Whole Review: I Wish I Could Give this a Higher Score

South Park has a long history with video games, most of which are not worth remembering. But 2014’s The Stick of Truth did something quite difficult. It captured the magic of a TV show in a video game.

Playing the stick of truth, you felt like you were in an episode of South Park. There was a quale to it that matched the show so well it’s hard to imagine any game capturing that magic again. But even if it was not quite the same, the new sequel The Fractured But Whole comes close.

The Fractured But Whole picks up where Stick of Truth ended: You, the new kid, also known as King DoucheBag, are leading the children of South Park in a massive battle when Cartman shows up in his superhero persona and the game suddenly changes. You have to begin again as a newb, create a super hero identity and prove yourself to the team. Over time you will develop your powers--which center on farts, of course—and save South Park from a mysterious villain.

Combat has been greatly improved from the Stick of Truth. Rather the traditional JRPG turn based combat of the last game; they have now added a grid which allows you to move around the battlefield. Obstacles and special goals also appear which add a layer of challenge and complexity. However combat is hardly the focus of the game. It often feels like it is just a means to connect the cut scenes and dialogue.

The plot of the game is strong, but also its one of the weak points. The Fractured But Whole contains some of the best South Park writing I have seen in a while, however parts of the story feel rehashed from the last game, and it just isn’t as unpredictable. The ending is also a little anticlimactic, though in a humorous way that reminds me of the show. That is not to say it’s bad. Many parts are laugh out loud hilarious.  The overarching story is interesting. It also has plenty of nostalgia for longtime fans.

The graphics have not changed much from the Stick of Truth, its still a pretty good imitation of the show’s art style. This lets you feel like you’re really in an episode of South Park. The map is also nearly the same, which makes sense in game but is somewhat disappointing, since we have seen a lot of it before. They made some effort to flush to town out more, but I feel they could have done more.

One element I can object to is how you can feel the end of the game start to creep up on you. Much like the last game, events are divided into days and nights, and as these pass and the story escalates you can sense the end coming.  This leaves you both mourning the games passage, but wanting more than its offering. It’s good that the game leaves you wanting more, but buildup without payout is unsatisfying. 

The Fractured But Whole is an essential experience for fans of South Park. If you’re a hardcore fan you should buy it right now. If you’re only a casual fan however, you should probably wait until the price comes down.  If you don’t like South Park you should avoid this game like the plague.

7.9 out of 10


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