Saturday, November 4, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Ep. 114 Review: Filler Fight Suprise

I am not digging this new opening preview. It’s totally unnecessary.

Starting right from where we left off, Kale is powering up. Meanwhile Vegeta and Toppo are still fighting, and we get to see Toppo take a great hit to the gut from Vegeta.

Back to Kale, she has transformed into the legendary super Saiyan and seems to have lost her sanity. She puts Caulifla is a crushing hand hold. But after a pep top by Caulifla she seems to gain back her sanity, and gains control over her power. The two attack Goku together and more than hold their own but Goku separates them with a taiyoken.

Turning to Freeza, he is challenged by Katopesia, a policeman of justice from Universe 3. he tries to transform but Goku’s fight comes through an interrupts him. Freeza is unhappy with this but decides to take Goku’s opponents.  But before he can take out his sadistic hatred of Saiyans on them, Goku interrupts Freeza and he agrees to just watch.

Enter Katopesia who transforms into his whirlwind speed mode! Three hundred times faster than normal he challenges Freeza to follow him and fight. Freeza ignores him and watches Goku’s fight instead. I for one would like to see Freeza take him out.

Back to the main fight, Kale holds Goku while Caulifla beats on him. It seems to work but Goku manages to defend with one hand. Impressed and at the limits of his super Saiyan form, he goes transforms into a Super Saiyan God. The two girls rush him head on but only Kale is really able to hold her own, but even she can’t match his power and skill. Goku takes Caulifla out quickly with a tracking ki ball, while Kale catches her. Goku praises them but with the tournament time limit in place he can’t play around, you know like he’s been doing. He unleashes a kamehameha to blow them out of the ring, taking out a chunk of the ring in the process, but a figure jumps back in. Kale and Caulifla have used the Potara ear rings to fuse!

Well, it seems the writers of super still know how to throw in a twist! I was not expecting that ending. As for the rest of the episode, it was pretty by the numbers. The two fight him, they make progress, they force Goku to transform, and they are now no match.  Everyone saw that part coming. 

What I do like is Kale and Caulifla’s relationship, it was super generic but Kale gaining control over herself after Caulifla’s speech was a good touch. I also like the scene with Jiren where if loses his concentration for a moment when he feels Kale’s power.  It doesn’t necessarily mean anything but it hints at her potential.

The writers could have used Katopesia better. A buy the numbers joke fight with Freeza would have been a good break in the action. But it would be even funnier for this Ginyu-like ridiculous character to actually push Freeza. So far Freeza hasn’t had any good fight in this tournament, and a fight with a gag character would be a good mismatch.

Next episode also looks interesting. How will Goku win? Will he use up his stamina again? Recover his ultra instinct? There are a lot of possibilities, but we will have to wait and see, because I try not to read spoilers and you shouldn’t either. This show is predictable enough as it is.


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