Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Free to Play Games and Getting What You Pay For: Gaming Log 7/10/2018

I was recently checking out the Switch store and noticed a few free to play games.
Now, I generally don't have a high opinion of free to play games bit it’s not like there is much on my Switch’s hard drive so I checked some out.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Grinding and Why I Keep Doing It: Gaming Log 7/3/2018

You might get sick of this after a while, but you'll keep coming back.

Ah, the grind. How I’ve missed you.

My journey though Unova in Pokémon White 2 continues. The nuzlocke is fun but unforgiving, and mistakes have been made. The fields are littered with the bodies of the dead; Pokémon, Pokémon never changes . . . though it does get slightly easier with each new iteration.

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